Engaging The World – 2015

Engaging the World is a non-linear documentary film produced by Shebafilms using the Korsakow System to generate viewing options that form an evolving structure for the film. The elements of Engaging the World are a series of 52 short videos intended to spark discussion on key issues in international development. The videos were edited by Gabriel Harpelle and made using outtakes from the 180 hours of video shot while making Citoyens du Monde/Citizens of the World. The discussions with the individuals who appear in Engaging the World were edited using images gathered in the course of filming the series. Click here to visit the website to find out more about the project or click here to start Engaging the World. Korsakow is an easy-to-use computer program for the creation of database films. It was invented by Florian Thalhofer, a Berlin-based media artist. Korsakow films are films with a twist: They are interactive because the viewer has influence on the Korsakow Film. They are rule-based because the author decides on the rules by which the scenes relate to each other, but the viewer does not create fixed paths. Korsakow Films are generative because the order of the scenes is calculated while viewing. Korsakow is a cutting-edge new media format that provides educators and filmmakers with a unique means of producing research results and allowing viewers to interact critically with those results.